Sept 10, 2024
So. What do I actually want from my website.
- A place to connect with others
- A place to express myself; artistically, socially
I don't actually tend to meet people over the internet very often. I'm very much a "lurker" on most social media. I think I would enjoy a more social method of online interaction, but as a kid I was mostly in either chat rooms that would forget your name after 5 minutes, or social media where nobody saw or cared about what I posted (which, to be clear, is better than the alternative).
(Cohost was beginning to break me out of this. I was starting to comment and post much more frequently. Sigh.)
Sidebar- commenting has always made me anxious. I guess it's a fear of being cringe/annoying. The two responses I usually get from comments I make are 1) nobody sees it or cares 2) people get mad at me for being annoying/wrong/rude. Idk
Back to what I was actually talking about. I want a place to put my random thoughts, or stuff I'm doing that day, or craft/art projects I'm working on. These feel like very social media things. :/
I guess having a blog with an RSS feed is gonna be my best option. Unless I want to start posting on Tumblr more frequently, which I don't. (Anything I post on tumblr gets fucking buried under reblogs IMMEDIATELY anyway). I've also been using Reddit for this a bit. But also that's motherfucking Reddit. Absolutely not. (Side note, the UI on that site is insane. Sometimes the entire site just changes, for no reason. Is this only a me problem? Please help I feel like I'm going insane)
Good Lord I cannot stay on topic today. Anyway.
Really stuck between wanting to rebuild my entire site from scratch or not. For some reason my brain still feels like using a website template is cheating -_- but also Zonelets/Zonelots looks pretty cool. I like tagging systems.
My site organization is a fucking mess rn, which is most of my wanting to tear it all down & start from scratch. But also the danger with tearing things down & starting over is that you lose things. And maybe having a messy personal site is part of the charm? Idk. I can never turn off the part of my brain that's trying to make as pleasant of a public persona as possible. Sigh
Not really sure where I'm going with this. I'm going to miss cohost so fucking much. Hopefully when we get all of our user data, it's set up in a way where I can make a site page to catalog some of my fave chosts. That would be nice.