sundog, someday
I'm really sleepy today. I had a big cup of chai but I think that made it worse. I didn't think I had the "caffeine makes me sleepy" thing but maybe i do? maybe it was also the amount of sugar in it lmfao
I don't. Know what to do. A part of me wants to start from scratch with my site but like, i actually rly like how it looks/works? but also i hate it. i wish my brain could make up its mind
ive been in an extremely microposty mood. making blogs is kind of too much effort for that (especially from mobile). theres like third party whatevers i could use but i would Rather Not.
listened to sundog by SNAKE POOL and it felt like someone took my current state of mine and bottled it and distilled it and infused it with sunflowers and bright cold light and turned it into music. yay.
currently listening